In this project, we developed a framework for localizing a source object emitting non-visual signals using a robotic agent capable of collecting both visual and non-visual data. This involved designing and implementing a physics-based simulation environment, creating a reinforcement learning training pipeline, developing custom ROS packages for an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), and conducting simulation-to-reality transfer experiments. Patent pending.
In this project, we claim that we can improve the out-of-distribution detection performance by constraining the representation of in-distribution samples in the feature space. Particularly, if we embed the training samples such that the feature vectors belonging to each known class lie on a 1-dimensional subspace, OOD samples can be detected more robustly with higher probability, compared to a class-conditional non-degenerate Gaussian embeddings. Patent pending.
In this project, we developed a face image rertieval framework that finds the most similar faces to a query face, while giving the user the ability to both adjust and assign importance to any arbitrary subset of attributes. Work done as part of an internship at Adobe Inc. Patent approved.
We prove that the skip connections in the residual blocks facilitate preserving the norm of the gradient and lead to stable back-propagation. Can we push for extra norm-preservation? We answer this question by proposing an efficient method to regularize the singular values of the convolution operator and making the ResNet’s transition layers norm-preserving.
In this project, we developed a linear-time data selection algorithm and showed its effectiveness in different tasks, including active learning on UCF101 human action recognition video dataset.
We propose an asynchronous parallel sparse recovery algorithm which incorporates a probabilistic framework that assigns reliability scores to each processor.
We propose a nonegative matrix factorization (NMF) algorithm that can factorize the data into its components with piecewise constant coefficients.